
State-of-The-Art Approaches to Reduce Cyber Risk

Date: 25th April 2024
Time: 1:30pm CST


Cyber-attacks have increased, placing organizations at financial risk and reputational damage due to a cyber disruption of services. This webinar will share how a proactive approach to cybersecurity risk management reduces cyber risks while enhancing your cyber resilience. You’ll learn how you benefit from implementing a cyber action plan and strategy aligning with insurance best practices, identifying and addressing risks, and the importance of executive governance to ensure sufficient resources are allocated to properly mitigate your risk profile


Jeffrey Schobel

Jeffrey Schobel is co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of ResoluteGuard. Jeffrey is solution-driven and has helped hundreds of organizations identify and understand cybersecurity risks to allow them to make better and more informed business decisions on solutions that are actionable and understandable. Jeffrey’s specific focus is applying proprietary “smart work” principals to align Public Entity and Business administrative and technical resources in support of the ongoing cyber protection “best practices” activities to best guard from a disruption of critical services due to cyber malfeasance.