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Harnessing data as intelligence – Top 5 results


What are the top 5 results I can expect to see when I start harnessing my data as intelligence?


Results are the key parameter that most enterprises, CEOs and CFOs aspire for. So the power of information intelligence is immense and very compelling, creating very powerful use cases. So some key benefits would be, one, identifying the growth drivers, through the intelligent automation framework that the platform can deliver and while that is important, your risk reduction comes very close to the aspect of enterprise revenue creation and growth sustainability.

So how do you drive scalable and sustainable practices across the business or something that the platform can deliver and along the way, creating those powerful network effects which reduce leakage, integrate your enterprise data intelligence to all the functional triggers that exist within the enterprise and at the core of it, one function that I would say which can significantly benefit is, say, customer orchestration. It can be reducing customer churn, thereby reducing revenue leakage, reducing customer attrition. All of this happens through the intelligence framework and the intelligence automation that the platform can create.